PHP: is_null() vs. NULL ===

From the know your language department: If you can, go with the identical comparison operator ===. That’s a good approach in PHP for various reasons.

Only one example:

null === $var;

could be written as:


but it is about more than 14 times slower according to some benchmarks onto those two expressions:

Iterations: 100000  (10 Runs)
 #  | NULL     | rel %  | is_null() | rel %  
  1 |  0.02555 |  6.7 % |   0.37890 | 1482.9%
  2 |  0.02458 |  6.4 % |   0.38507 | 1566.6%
  3 |  0.02499 |  6.6 % |   0.37809 | 1512.8%
  4 |  0.02490 |  6.4 % |   0.38658 | 1552.6%
  5 |  0.02504 |  6.6 % |   0.38042 | 1519.2%
  6 |  0.02453 |  6.3 % |   0.38666 | 1576.0%
  7 |  0.02493 |  6.6 % |   0.37876 | 1519.5%
  8 |  0.02529 |  6.6 % |   0.38502 | 1522.5%
  9 |  0.02536 |  6.7 % |   0.37858 | 1492.6%
 10 |  0.02459 |  6.4 % |   0.38363 | 1560.4%

This is the benchmark script:

function benchmark() {
static $var;

$runs = 100000;
$rounds = 10;

header('Content-Type: text/plain;');
printf("Iterations: %d  (%d Runs)\n", $runs, $rounds);
printf(" #  | NULL     | rel %%  | is_null() | rel %%  \n");

for($b=0; $b < $rounds; $b++) {

$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; is_null($var), $i < $runs; $i++);
$timea = microtime(true) - $start;

$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; null === $var, $i < $runs; $i++);
$timeb = microtime(true) - $start;

printf(" %2d |  %01.5f | %4.1f %% |   %01.5f | %6.1f%%\n", $b + 1, $timeb, ($timeb / $timea) * 100, $timea, ($timea / $timeb) * 100);


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7 Responses to PHP: is_null() vs. NULL ===

  1. Stanley Kubrick says:

    Awesome… just the research I needed to prove what I thought to be true.

  2. Alexander Opitz says:

    There is also a difference between

    NULL === $var
    $var === NULL

    • José Macedo says:

      Adding another column to this benchmark using $var === null intead of null === $var, we can see that is a little bit faster.

  3. KingCrunch says:

    Interesting, but I have only a difference of 500% to 700%. Also with 100000 comparisons the difference with 40ms (here on my local machine) seems not big enough to break the semantics: it is something different to ask “is the value of $var null”, or “is a null identical to the value $var” (beside this I don’t like the yoda-comparison not very much ;)). Usually the code does a little bit more than just compare the value, so the operation, that depends on the comparison, is probably some magnitudes bigger, than the 0,00048ms.
    However, I prefer the simple test with “$var”/”!$var” anyway 🙂 Most cases are covered (objects are always “true” and for example IDs usually starts with 1 and so on). But yes, a little bit confusing, that this two operations behaves so differently, although the outcome is identical.

    tl;dr: If you ask me thaths micro optimization :X

    • hakre says:

      Yes, and this benchmark is older, I guess PHP 5.3 something. I leave it here because it was fun and it reminds me that there is some strong fun factor in micro optimization but not much use.

  4. Pete says:

    Well its 2016 now and I ran the benchmark because I thought it would be fun to try.. not much difference for php7 🙂

    Iterations: 100000 (10 Runs)
    # | NULL | rel % | is_null() | rel %
    1 | 0.00214 | 104.3 % | 0.00205 | 95.8%
    2 | 0.00215 | 105.4 % | 0.00204 | 94.9%
    3 | 0.00214 | 104.9 % | 0.00204 | 95.3%
    4 | 0.00216 | 104.9 % | 0.00206 | 95.3%
    5 | 0.00214 | 104.3 % | 0.00205 | 95.8%
    6 | 0.00214 | 105.3 % | 0.00203 | 94.9%
    7 | 0.00219 | 107.7 % | 0.00203 | 92.9%
    8 | 0.00214 | 105.1 % | 0.00204 | 95.2%
    9 | 0.00233 | 113.7 % | 0.00205 | 88.0%
    10 | 0.00215 | 105.9 % | 0.00203 | 94.4%

  5. Internet Entity says:

    PHP 7 changed the game. The benchmark results are roughly equal, with both variants only having very slight variations from 100%.

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